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01 Mar

Provision of portable wholesome water is an endeavour of Nyanga Rural District Council and its stakeholders. The council believes in viable and sustainable interventions in the provision of social services to its communities.

Fombe area is characterised by dry and limited livelihoods options as it is in agro-ecological region V. water availability is also a challenge and mostly is a household chore that is borne by women and the girl child. Water scarcity was affecting the girl child at most and was affecting their school work. It was also becoming a challenge to retain educational staff at the two schools as water challenges forced them to seek for better schools.

Apart from the water challenges, the area had also high levels of stunting, which therefore required emergence intervention. UNICEF provided the funds and the district partnered with World Vision and identified a high yielding borehole which was motorised and the water reticulated to three villages, two schools and a clinic. The community has been trained in the management of the water scheme under the community based management concept.

The piped water scheme has transformed the communities as they now have more time for other activities as water is readily available at distances less than 100m from their door steps.